This project (2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Training Package

Module 1

Table of Contents

Operative tools

The two operative tools selected for this module were developed, implemented and tested by the Research Project Linguapp: Asegurando el acceso al aprendizaje universal e inclusivo de segundas lenguas. The first operative tool assesses the technical characteristics of the resources. It consists of five dimensions. Namely, content quality, learning objectives, Feedback, interactivity, motivation and user’s fidelization; accessibility and usability; and technical requierements and intelectual property. These five dimensions comprise 30 yes/no questions.

However, the second instrument specifically addresses the langugage skills that are addressed by the OER and how they are developed, taking into account the contents and activities of each OER. For the analysis of the skills contained in each OER, this second instrument has been considered to measure speaking, listening, writing and reading comprehension and it comprises 12 yes/no questions and it, taking into account the different linguistic levels established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

These two operative tools were initially published in the following article: Gómez Parra, M. E., Huertas Abril, C., & Espejo Mohedano, R. (2019). Estudio para la validación de dos instrumentos para la evaluación de sitios web de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Revista De Lenguas Para Fines Específicos, 25(1), 62-80.

Therefore, how can users benefit from these two tools? By following the next steps:
OPERATIVE TOOL 1: Technical features of OERs selected
1. Teachers select the OERs they would like to evaluate.
2. They provide their answers to the 30 yes/no questions related to the five dimensions that are evaluated.
3. Teachers can know if their selected OERs meet the standards for the five dimensions analyzed.

OPERATIVE TOOL 2: Language skills in OERs and linguistic levels by the CEFR
1. Teachers select the OERs they would like to evaluate.
2. They complete their answers to the 12 yes/no questions related to the following skills that are assessed: speaking, listening, writing and reading comprehension.
3. Teachers can know if their selected OERs are appropriate for specific CEFR levels for the language skill selected.

Table of Contents