This project (2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Contractual Partners

From this section it is possible to access to a description of each contractual partner of the QuILL project. There are 7 contractual partners and they are based in 6 different European countries.

Spain Portugal

Project coordinator
Campus De Santa Apolonia
5301 253 Braganca
Tel: +351273303200
Web Site:

Partner Description
The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) is a higher education public institution with a defined mission in creating, transmitting and diffusing technical-scientific and professional knowledge through the articulation of study, teaching, applied research and experimental development.

italy Italy

Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 Firenze
Tel: +39 055 489700
Web Site:

Partner Description
Pixel is an education and training institution based in Florence (Italy). Pixel was founded in 1999. Pixel’s mission is to promote an innovative approach to education, training and culture, this is done mostly by trying to exploit the best potential of ICT for education and training. Pixel has a permanent staff of 15 people and a network of about 100 external professionals and trainers that cooperate with them on specific activities.

italy Italy

Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita Di Bologna
Via Zamboni 33
40126, Bologna
Tel: +390512099422
Web Site:

Partner Description
The University of Bologna was founded in 1088. It is one of the most renowned and prestigious universities across Europe. It is the most populated university community in Italy, with 86.000 enrolled students, 2800 teaching professors (full, associate and assistant) and 3000 technical-administrative staff.

italy Spain

Universidad de Cordoba
Avenida De Medina Azahara 5
14005, Cordoba
Tel: +34957211011,
Web Site:

Partner Description
The University of Cordoba is heir to a century-old historical and cultural legacy, marked by a passion for knowledge, a broad intercultural outlook and an open worldview. Córdoba as a city has been since the ancient times a paradigm for mankind as a whole. This spirit also informs the three areas around which campus activities are structured: Food, Agriculture, Science and Technology; the Humanities, Law and Social Sciences; and Health Sciences.

italy Hungary

Karoli Gaspar Reformatus Egyetem
Kalvin Ter 9
1091 Budapest
Tel: +3614459060
Web Site:

Partner Description
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary was established in its present form in 1993, but its history roots back to 1839. More than 8500 students and an academic staff of 425 persons belong to the five faculties of the university. The Faculty of Teacher Training of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is one of Hungary's most significant institutions in the field of teacher training.

italy Lithuania

Vilniaus universitetas
Universiteto g. 3
01513, Vilnius
Tel: +37052687010
Web Site:

Partner Description
Vilnius University - the largest Lithuanian scientific institution, has deservedly earned the status of a leader in science and research. European university traditions, academic freedom and diversity of opinions, the ability to deal with new challenges in the constantly changing world, and social responsibility are the fundamental values of the University.

italy Romania

Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Din Iasi
Bulevardul Carol I 11
700506, Iasi
Tel: +40232201024,
Web Site:

Partner Description
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (UAIC), the first modern university founded in Romania (in 1860), is constantly ranked 1 – 3 among Romanian universities in terms of research, education and institutional transparency with about 24000 students and 2000 full-time staff in its 15 faculties.