This project (2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Training Package

Module 1

Table of Contents

Case study 1
Selecting OERs in Spanish for Spanish for Veterinary Medicine at UCO

During its first phase, this module was tested with one University lecturer whose language of instruction is Spanish and the content he provides is related to the field of Veterinary Medicine. This was carried out onsite. This lecturer found a bit overwhelming to learn about the vastness of the literature published about this field, but he did not find specific difficulties. The information provided to him was useful because it was presented both in an informative and direct way about the process that needs to be followed when identifying quality digital based OER language teaching resources. The two operative tools provided were of great help for this lecturer because they provided specific assessment for his chosen OERs to implement in his particular teaching context.

During its second phase, the OER identified as having a high degree of quality was tested by the lecturer participating in the module in his own teaching context. He reported a specific set of features about such context, such as number of students; online, onsite and blended learning scenarios; linguistic skills required; linguistic level needed (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2), etc. This lecturer also commented on some other aspects, such as the following: the methodology he employed was task-oriented, the students’ profile was highly heterogeneous, the specific use of the foreign language taught was Spanish in a context in which there were native and non-native speakers of such language, the type of reactions from students were in general positive; finally, he did not mention any difficulties encountered by the students. In this lecturer’s view, the possibilities granted by the OER employed in this particular learning scenario were far more than its limitations. In a nutshell, he informed that the application of the two tools provided to him in the module were effective in his particular case.

Table of Contents