María Elena Gómez Parra
Lecturer, Researcher
Field of Research: Bilingual and intercultural education
Subject Taught: English
Years of Experience: 28 years
MARÍA-ELENA GÓMEZ-PARRA, PhD. Associate Professor of English at the Dpt. of English and German Philologies at the University of Córdoba, Spain. MD in Distance Education. Graduated from the University of Granada (Spain). She is a successful grant writer/manager of approximately 3.4 million euros in international funding. She has worked with English Language educators for decades. Her research lines are focused on bilingual and intercultural education. She teaches CLIL in English Teacher Education at Undergraduate level, and Intercultural Communication, Second Language Acquisition (ESLA), and Academic Writing at Master’s level. She has had some research stays in the USA (e.g., University of Berkeley; Bowdoin College and Texas Woman’s University, among others) and the UK (e.g., University of Manchester, Institute of Education of London, Canterbury Christ Church University, among others). She has coordinated the English and German sections in the Language Centre of the University of Córdoba (2000-2006), and she has been the Associate Dean for International Affairs at the Faculty of Education (2006-2014). She has been the IP of the project entitled ‘LinguApp’, funded by Centro de Estudios Andaluces (Ref. no. PRY208/17). She is the IP of a National Research Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) entitled ‘BESOC’ (Ref. No. EDU2017-84800R). Regarding her participation in recent International Projects, she is a member of the KA201 DICO+ (Dispositifs Inclusifs de COopération, reference no. 2018-1-FR01-KA201-047904); she is the coordinator of the KA203 entitled “TEACHERS, CULTURE, PLURI’ (TEACUP)”, reference number 2019-1-ES01-KA203-064412); and she is the Director of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) entitled “Play, Education, Toys and Languages – PETaL” (U. of Córdoba, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon and Marmara University). Last but not least, she is the Director of the Andalusian Research Group HUM-1006 “Bilingual and Intercultural Education”.
University of Córdoba
Department of English and German, Faculty of Education