Attila Mócza
[email protected]
Field of Research: English literary history, Gothic literature, horror literature, English as a foreign language, English for special purposes
Subject Taught: General English language course
- Beginner English language course
- Intermediate English language course
- Advanced English language course
- English phonetics and phonology
- Descriptive Grammar of English
- English Children’s literature
- English liter
Years of Experience: 12
In 2010 he graduated at the University of Szeged where he acquired diplomas of philologist and secondary school teacher of English, information technology and librarian studies. Within the English major, he completed a specialisation programme in business English while within informatics, he specialised for JAVA programming, database management and operating systems. In his final years of university studies, he started teaching full-time and part-time BA students for the basics of hardware and software as well as MA students for English as a foreign language for the profession of information technology. After getting his diplomas he got enrolled in the doctoral programme of ‘Literatures and Cultures in English in Europe and North America’ at the Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies. Until he completed my doctoral programme he had taught the aforementioned subjects as well as courses of Gothic literature at the department of English and that of comparative literature, in English and Hungarian. In the meantime, he started teaching English courses as a guest lecturer at Kecskemét College (later Pallas Athena University, currently John von Neumann University). After completing his doctoral programme, he spent an intense semester teaching solely at Kecskemét college, after which he got employed as a full-time English language lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher Training of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary at the beginning of 2014. In addition to teaching, he was responsible for developing the study programme of the English specialisation stream for primary school teachers. Half a year following the beginning of his employment he became the faculty Erasmus coordinator, the role of which got extended to that of faculty Erasmus and international coordinator in the middle of 2017. At the end of the same year he was invited to be the head of a professional programme development group at the Hungarian Office of Education for half a year to develop 44 day-time and boarding camp programmes of a week for classes from 1 to 11 grades. Currently he is working on completing his PhD dissertation additionally to his full-time duties at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary and those of a guest lecturer of business English at the Faculty of Economics of John von Neumann University.