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Database of Teaching Sources

A database of selected, reviewed, tested, assessed and validated e-learning based language teaching sources addressed to Higher education students for the learning of 18 different European languages.

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IMED-KOMM-EU Interkulturelle medizinische Kommunikation in Europa- Deutsch für ausländische Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerinnen/pfleger

Date of Publication

nicht angegeben

Target Group


Domain Area

Medicine & Nursing

Learning Scenario

Autonomous learning
Classroom Context

Target Language


Language of Instruction

Any language

CEFR level


Type of Material

Guiding resources (online course/book)
Reference resources (online Dictionaries/ grammar guides/phrasebooks)

Linguistic Features



Critical Thinking


The online course "Deutsch für ausländische Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerinnen/pfleger" is aimed at people who work or would like to work in the health sector in Germany. It is an educational offer coordinated by the IIK Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation e.V. as part of the LEONARDO ITP programme.
An advanced language level of at least B1+ is indispensable for successful work with the course. A deeper knowledge of German grammar is required and is therefore not the subject of the course, which is rather focussed on the acquisition of specialist knowledge needed in the daily work of a nurse.
The following topics are covered in 32 units: 1. hospital-clinic (including organisation chart, medical staff and instruments), 2. basic care, 3. treatment care, 4. documentation, 5. telephone calls, 6. functional services, 7. care of the elderly, 8. exercises for classroom-context. With the exception of module 8, all modules are programmed exercises that can be completed in self-study. The last module should ideally be worked through in a test centre (in group work), but can also be worked through as exercises in a self-study programm.
The course is convinces with the use of texts and situations that are close to reality and cover all relevant areas of activity of a nurse.
The basis of each exercise are written or spoken texts or visual material, which the course participant is suppossed to internalise as well as possible. The student has then the opportunity to test the newly acquired knowledge in the form of a quiz. The teaching of both professional as well as linguistic knowledge goes hand in hand.
The units can be worked on independently of each other, students can choose the sequence freely.
All core competences of language acquisition (listening comprehension, writing, speaking and reading comprehension) are covered by the course offer. The students choose from a wide range of authentic audio and video material (e.g. patient information, anamnesis, physical examination, etc.).
Within the course, a wealth of additional material is provided, which is linked under "further documentation". In addition to the course itself supplementary material in the form of podcasts, self-tests, blogs etc. can be accessed on the project's webpage.

Case study

The source was tested with the students of the Faculty of Applied Languages.
Number of students: 22
The following parts of the materials were tested for teaching:
Unit 1: Hospital, nursing service, wards.
Unit 2: Medical staff
The students were asked to work independently on the above units. In advance, they were told which language skills they should pay attention to. Then, students were asked to evaluate the exercises in terms of their comprehensibility and usefulness. The students were asked to comment on whether they found the presented learning materials motivating and useful, and whether they thought they contributed to the development of their German language skills and the individual language skills.
The first learning unit mentioned starts with two rather complicated schemes that seem a bit confusing, they require full concentration and are also time-consuming.
The second one starts with an introductory text. In order to understand the introductory text, students must have a reasonably good knowledge of German. The text contains legal phrases and a lot of new lexis and is quite demanding.
This is followed by 4 videos explaining the duties of health care nurses. This is followed by a short exercise that tests reading comprehension. The learning unit further includes an audio text with an exercise.
The learning units focus on expanding the competencies of reading comprehension and listening, further on the development of communicative competence, vocabulary development and the students' ability to apply the acquired knowledge in further communication.
The transcription of the listening text can be considered as a plus point, which contributes to a better understanding of the listening text.
The students evaluated the exercises very positively, but they have noticed that to create these exercises one needs quite good knowledge of German. Since the students are studying in a completely different study program, the above mentioned learning units also contributed to gaining the knowledge from a different field. The students found the learning units very interesting and motivating. Overall, it can be stated that the presented learning material is satisfactory, the students worked well with it and evaluated it as useful for the development of language skills.


The 32 units of the course do not necessarily have to be worked through in a specific order, but can be chosen completely freely according to individual needs. As soon as one of the units is selected, the learner is asked to deal with the corresponding exercise material. This can be in the form of a text, an audio file, videos or illustrations. Once the material has been reviewed, the associated exercises can be completed. In most cases these are programmed self-exercises, often there is a choice between two answer options. The learner has the option of viewing the questions individually or together. Registration is not required for full access to all materials. In the section "Self-tests" a number of further links to quizzes and articles have been compiled. The "Youtube videos" section contains a compilation of useful videos on the subject of nursing, arranged by topic (e.g. training, nursing school, etc.). The "Exams" section includes sample ECL tests for foreign doctors and nurses.

Further Information
Content overview of the language course
Glossary of the language course
Overview of the exercises offered


Comprehensive approach
Capacity to match the needs of lecturers and students


Added value
The provided tangible improvements


Motivation enhancement
The capacity to motivate students to improve their language skills


Effectiveness in introducing innovative, creative and previously unknown approaches to LSP learning


Measurement of the transferable potential and possibility to be a source of further capitalisation/application for other language projects in different countries


Skills assessment and validation
Availability of appropriate tools for lecturers to monitor students’ progress and for students to assess own progress and to reflect on learning


Flexibility of the contents and possibilities for the LSP lecturers to adapt the contents to their and to students’ need


Assess the technical usability from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


Assess the accessibility from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


Transferability of the course concept to other languages: each of the project partners (Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia) offers an adapted version of the course in the respective national language. According to the project's internal statistics, adapted versions of the courses are also used in countries other than the original partner countries. The concept has also been transferred to other EU-funded projects (FALINAR).
Scope: The course offers a comprehensive, subject-specific range of exercises, which has the decisive advantage that it can also be worked on as far as possible in self-study. The large amount of authentic audio material allows students to become familiar with the German language in a subject-specific context in a relaxed atmosphere and at an individually determined learning pace.
Website of the Teaching Source: