This project (2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Database of Teaching Sources

A database of selected, reviewed, tested, assessed and validated e-learning based language teaching sources addressed to Higher education students for the learning of 18 different European languages.

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Social media

Date of Publication


Target Group


Domain Area

Journalism & multimedia

Learning Scenario

Autonomous learning
Classroom Context

Target Language


Language of Instruction


CEFR level


Type of Material


Linguistic Features



Critical Thinking


The resource can be used both as a videoclip or only as an audio file. It covers the main topics when considering the role of social media in society, mainly regarding trends identifiable by Generation Z, nowadays attending higher education.
The video contains closed captions in Portuguese, thus allowing for some adaptability in terms of teaching/learning. It is visually interesting since it shows different approaches to the topic in a rather humorous way. The vocabulary used is simple, straightforward and, as such, it can be used as a starting point for several approaches within the classroom, but also as a self-taught resource for vocabulary building.

Case study

This activity would be aimed at students with a B2 level of proficiency, in the context of the discipline of Portuguese for Business. The objective is to familiarize students with specific vocabulary related to social networks and digital media, as they will participate in the international Web Summit conference. Given its more relaxed nature, the video would thus be used as a starting point for a vocabulary exercise related to the Web Summit, under the topic “Entrepreneurship”. The video would be viewed once, and after viewing it, students would be asked to recall some of the English terms that were used in the video and how to use them in the Portuguese context. The activity would then consist of a vocabulary exercise in which students would make the connection between the definition in Portuguese and the corresponding term in English.
Love Capital - Capital raised by family and friends for the start-up and/or development of a company.

Meetup - When several professionals, from entrepreneurs, chairmen of companies, programmers, and investors, come together in an informal meeting to exchange ideas. People often talk standing up to facilitate circulation and 'networking'.

Networking - Having or establishing a network of contacts. It is a good way to increase the quality of relationships, for mutual benefit in the professional world. The objective of any entrepreneur is to increase their network to make their projects known.

Pitch (Elevator Pitch) - It is a short 3-5 minute presentation of a company or its business ideas with the objective of attracting the interest of the other party, a potential investor or partner, in your business. It is considered an essential tool for entrepreneurs to get investment.

Startup - It is a start-up company with projects that can be highly scalable, that is, with a business that can grow very quickly. Today, this term is increasingly associated with technology-based companies, that is, those that create technology for businesses.

Unicorns - These are startups with a market value of more than 1,000 million euros.


Step 1 – The lecturer divides the class in two groups. One will be in favour of the use of social media and the other will be against it. Both groups will be given 10 to 15 minutes to list some pros and cons.
Step 2 – The pros and cons will be presented to and shared with the class.
Step 3 – The lecturer will hand out a sheet with the lyrics of the song by Paulo Brissos. This transcript contains gaps to be filled in by the students.
Step 4 – Students will listen to the song twice and complete the handout during the second listening of the song.
Step 5 – The handout will be corrected by watching the video with closed captions on Youtube.
Step 6 – The lecturer will promote a debate around the song, checking whether the pros and cons arguments initially posed by the students are approached in the song. Students will state their agreement/disagreement with the contents of the song and elaborate on their opinions whenever possible. The lecturer will not interfere and merely act as a facilitator of the debate.
The resource can also be used only as a video and, in that case, the gap-filling exercise can be substituted by another one.


Comprehensive approach
Capacity to match the needs of lecturers and students


Added value
The provided tangible improvements


Motivation enhancement
The capacity to motivate students to improve their language skills


Effectiveness in introducing innovative, creative and previously unknown approaches to LSP learning


Measurement of the transferable potential and possibility to be a source of further capitalisation/application for other language projects in different countries


Skills assessment and validation
Availability of appropriate tools for lecturers to monitor students’ progress and for students to assess own progress and to reflect on learning


Flexibility of the contents and possibilities for the LSP lecturers to adapt the contents to their and to students’ need


Assess the technical usability from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


Assess the accessibility from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


The resource is easily accessible on several platforms and it is also easy to use and adapt to several contexts starting from B1 level. It can be used in a more LSP context but also within teaching Portuguese as a foreign language.
This topic is motivating for the current generation of students because it is dealt with widely on a daily basis. It therefore allows for some critical reflection about it. It is also relevant for students studying multimedia and journalism in Portuguese to be aware of the terminology in this field. It is also user-friendly and easily accessible on Youtube, for example.
Website of the Teaching Source: