The multiplier event with the title WORKSHOP INTERNAȚIONAL “O abordare pragmatică a predării limbii române ca limbă străină în învățământul superior: utilizarea resurselor digitale pentru limbajele de specialitate din perspectiva Proiectului QuiLL – Quality in Language Learning” (A practical approach to teaching Romanian as a foreign language in higher education: the use of digital resources to reach specialised languages) took place on the 24th of February as a mixed online – on-site event, with the on-site location at the ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. The participants were mostly lecturers who teach Romanian as a foreign language (RLS) at various higher education institutions in Romanian and abroad, to which some experts were added (the General Director of the Romanian Academy the Iasi Branch, the Alexandru Philippide Institute of Romanian Philology), as well as official representatives and policy makers – the Vice-rector for International Relations at the ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Ms Daiana Cuibus, General Director of the Institute of the Romanian Language, who can promote the digital instruments described and the project initiative among the lecturers teaching Romanian in universities throughout Europe, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Letters. Other participants are trainers who teach various languages, Romanian included, at privately owned language centres with experience in creating and using digital content for teaching languages. The speakers delivered presentations on the current state of affairs in teaching Romanian as a foreign language; a participant presented a set of textbook including digital material for teaching specialised Romanian in various domains (e.g. business, medical, technical).
The members of the Romanian team of the QuiLL project presented the goals of the project, the Intellectual outputs and other various aspects related to the project (see Program). Presentations were also delivered by lecturers from various higher education institutions in Romania (București, Pitești, Oradea, Constanța, Cluj) and in Iași (The „Gheorghe Asachi" Polytechnic University, The „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Ion Ionescu de la Brad, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa" – Iași, the ”George Enescu” National University of Arts, to which other universities in Romania were added as represented by the students – former learners in the Department of Romania for Foreign Students in UAIC, Iasi – who took part in the Round Table Schimb de experiență: situații problematice pentru studenți în însușirea limbajelor de specialitate și rezolvări digitale.) The topics focused on using and/or creating digital content for the teaching of Romanian as LSP in various domains (medical, musical, business). For balance and a thorough view on the project, two participants were also invited to give presentations on related topics to the other two languages the Romanian team have covered, namely Polish and Bulgarian. Two online panels were added, with participants from Poland, Croatia, Greece, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia), with presentations on various digital resources such as corpora, particular domains – music, business, Law, and various digital tools such as the Omega platform. The two members of the Romanian team at the Training in Braganca, Portugal, were also present and shared their experience as trainees and the skills and information acquired were presented to the audience.
The event concludes with two Round Tables in which the participants – lecturers, researchers, students, other stakeholders, asked questions, shared initiatives and innovative approaches and resources, discussed issues that became salient during the presentations, suggested lines of development for the future.
Information about the event (program, poster) as well as about the project itself was posted on the site of the Faculty of Letters at The event was disseminated via informative emailings (also several guests from Romania accessed the links to the Workshop) and an interview was taken of Project Coordinator for Romania by the Regional Radio Program Radio Iași. Dissemination was also achieved through presenting each participant with the Workshop’s folder with promotional material with the QuiLL logo (notebook, pen, flash-drive, the workshop program).
The conclusions as outlined during the Round Table were the fiability of the solutions offered by the project and the project platform, the usefulness of the resources and the training package for the lecturers – taken as such or adapted according to the lecturers’ and students’ own needs and the idea surfaced of their creating their own “good practices” in one of the questionnaires collected after the multiplier event. An important outcome of the event was the fact that it ensured and /or renewed the contact between lecturers, thus making future cooperation for the sustainability of the QuiLL project or for other initiatives regarding the identification, evaluation, adaptation, and creation of digital resources for the teaching of LSP. The possibility of adding resources to the existing database was discussed – even adding another language (Greek), but as far as this latter idea is concerned, more talk is necessary to identify the fiable logistics of this enterprise.