The number of participants attending the Multiplier Event, “QuILL: Using Quality ICT-Based OER in Content & Language Teaching”, held at the University of Córdoba on 30th and 31st January 2023, is a total of 30, including 16 language and content professors from the University of Córdoba, as well as 14 postgraduate students from very diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The second Multiplier Event held on 22nd February 2023 involved a total of 20 participants. The trainers involved were María Elena Gómez Parra, Cristina María Gámez Fernández and Leonor María Martínez Serrano. A short bio of each of them is presented below.
María-Elena Gómez-Parra is Full Professor at the Department of English and German Philologies at the University of Cordoba. Her area of work is bilingual and intercultural education. She directs the HUM-1006 Research Group entitled 'Bilingual and Intercultural Education' (EBeI). She is the director of the Ibero-American Network for Bilingual and Intercultural Education (IBIE) and the PI of three research projects on bilingualism: i. 'Facing Bilinguals: Study of Bilingual Education Programmes' Results through Social Data Analysis', ref. no. EDU2017-84800-R; ii. ‘Future of Bilingual Education – FOBE’, ref. no. PID2021-127031OB-I00; and iii. ICT applied to English language learning: 'LinguApp: Ensuring Access to Universal and Inclusive Second Language Learning', ref. no. PRY208/17. She has published in numerous international journals on second language learning, intercultural education and bilingual education. She has participated as a researcher in numerous international projects (IP, Comenius and KA2, among others), and she is the Director of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) entitled 'Play, Education, Toys and Languages (PETaL)'. She also coordinates the KA203 TEACUP (Teachers, Culture, Pluri) project. She has also participated at international conferences related to bilingual education, intercultural education, and as keynote at important international meetings related to international cooperation (e.g., 16 October 2016, Africa Climate Talk, where she delivered a plenary on the role of women in sustainable development), and to bilingual and intercultural education (e.g., May 2017, 8th World Play Day in Istanbul with a plenary lecture on the importance of play in the early initiation of second languages; April 2021, keynote speaker at Alexi Network on the PETaL approach to Early Childhood Bilingual and Intercultural Education, among others). She has also been the director of the bilingual teacher training courses (Primary Education, Early Childhood Education and Secondary Education) at the Menéndez Pelayo International University (2017 and 2018), and the President of the International Conference on Bilingual Education (since 2015 to nowadays).
Since she joined the Department of English in 2000, Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández has taught, on one hand, literature written in English and, on the other, English for academic and professional purposes both in undergraduate and postgraduate studies. From 2006 to 2011) she was responsible for the teaching innovation project devoted to the progressive implementation of bilingual experiences in the UCO, prior to the creation of the official bilingual project. She has spent research periods at Stanford University and Wheaton College (US) and Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). She is one of the Founders of AEEII (Spanish Association for India Studies), also serving as Secretary-Treasurer from 2007-2009. In 2009, she won the award Leocadio Martín Mingorance, given by the University of Cordoba, for her work on the religious poetry of Denise Levertov. She guest-edited "Contemporary English Writing in India" (2012), an issue of the Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies and "Muslim Identities in Literature and Film" (2015), an issue of the Journal of Contemporary Literature. She has also been co-editor of India in the World (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2011), Tabish Khair: Critical Perspectives (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014), and Shaping Indian Diaspora: Literary Representations and Bollywood Consumption away from the Desi (Lexington Books 2015). Together with the University of Northampton (UK) and the Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University (India), she was the organizer of the I International Conference on Precarity, Populism and Post-Truth Politics, where the international research network on Challenging Precarity: A Global Network was created ( She is currently preparing an edited volume on ecocritical poetry with Brill. She is currently preparing two edited volumes on vulnerability with Routledge; she also has two ongoing publishing projects in co-edition with Peter Lang.
Leonor María Martínez Serrano is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and German Philology at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Córdoba, where she pursued her doctoral studies and gained a PhD in Canadian Literature. She teaches courses on English, EFL methodology, academic writing, digital humanities and CLIL for content teachers at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is a member of the research group “Research in English and Related Literature” (HUM-682), a research team devoted to the study of literary texts written in English from the early modern period to the present. Her research interests include literatures in English, with a special focus on Canadian Literature, American Literature, High Modernism and Ecocriticism, First Nations and Oral Literatures, Literary Translation, CLIL and bilingual education. More specifically, her research focuses on modern and contemporary Canadian and American poetry, as well as on such Modernist authors as T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound and Virginia Woolf. She has presented papers at international conferences and published articles on her research interests in scholarly journals. In addition, she has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia (Canada), where she has done research on Canadian poetry and has made use of the Rare Books and Special Collections at the university libraries, as well as at the University of the West of Scotland (UK), the University of BiaĆystok (Poland), and the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Germany). Link:
The contents dealt with in the Multiplier Event as detailed below:
Presentation of the contents of the IO1 - Database of language teaching sources
Innovation of language learning and teaching through the effective and quality-based use of ICT
Tailoring the offer of language learning opportunities to the specific needs of university students
Evaluation of the contents of the Database
Presentation of IO2 Online in-service training package
Presentation of the contents of Module 1 - Effective identification of quality OER ICT-based language teaching sources
Training session on how to select existing ICT-based teaching sources and assess their quality and appropriateness in answering to the users’ needs
Presentation of the contents of Module 2 - Effective use of OER e-learning based language teaching sources for university students
Training session on how to integrate innovative ICT-based language sources in lectures and provide students with an organic and efficient blended learning approach to match needs
and expectations
Presentation of the contents of Module 3 - Creation of ICT-based innovative language teaching materials for university language students
Training session on how to plan and implement easy ICT-based language teaching resources to meet the needs of foreign languages students
Practical session and group work for the creation of an exemplary easy ICT-based language teaching resources to meet the needs of language students
Evaluation of the contents of the training package
Assessment and certification of competences
The main conclusions drawn from the Multiplier Event can be best summarised as follows. The 8-hour workshop has offered a holistic view on the QuILL project. The participants attending the Multiplier Event (both language and content teachers) have stated that the OER of the QuILL database and the tool provided to analyse quality sources can be useful for their teaching practice.