This project (2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Training Package

Module 2

Table of Contents

Operative tool 2 - Guidelines for the lecturer in using podcasts in LSP teaching and learning

For reasons of formatting, readability and ease of consultation, Operational Tool 2 is proposed in a separate file:
Guidelines for the lecturer in using podcasts in LSP teaching and learning

Below is a brief description of operative tool 2 on the educational use of podcasts.
The operational checklist guide is divided into five sections to facilitate consultation.
Section A includes a general analysis of podcasts and a technical and functional analysis, assuming that together with podcast technology can be a useful and practical source of up-to-date authentic audio materials, but at a technical level it can create some difficulties, especially related to the level of computer skills of the teacher.
Section B indicates how to analyze the communicative aspects of the podcast, where the classification aims at describing podcast input variations for the purposes of language teaching and learning.
Section C explores how to select and analyze a podcast episode: verbal input, non-verbal or mixed input, the relationship between verbal and non-verbal input. The contents of an episode can be usefully explored in different ways depending on various factors such as the learners' level of language proficiency, mastery of subject matter, etc. This section aims at exploring some of the variables that influence the quality of the input and that should be considered for careful planning.
Section D poses questions about general and specific aspect of teaching and learning: topic, general objectives, focus on different aspects of language teaching and learning, different kind of activities and skills etc.
Once an episode in a podcast resource has been selected and analyzed, this section helps the lecturer to focus on the teaching action in terms of general competence (savoir, savoir faire, savoir ĂȘtre, savoir apprendre), in terms of general language competence (language competence, sociolinguistics, pragmatics), in terms of communicative language activities (reception, production, interaction, mediation) and specific indications for work on the resource.
Section E presents a full range of choices in terms of input modification.
Once the podcast episode has been identified and analyzed, and the general and specific coordinates of the learning work defined, in fact, it is time to consider whether it is useful to enhance, manipulate and process the input.
See attached file Operative Tool _2 on Podcasts.

Table of Contents