Partners' Institution:
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Name of the person involved in the event:
Dr Teodora Ghiviriga
Date of the event:
27 September 2022 - 27 September 2022
Type of Dissemination event:
Informative Mailing
Target group:
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
IAsi (Romania)
Description of Dissemination Event:
An informative mailing was sent to all associated lecturers and other members of the network established with their help to announce access to the resources and materials in IO2. The time - the first week of the academic year - was chosen with the intention that the resources accessible on the platform can be used in the didactic process starting with the new academic year by all those teaching Romanian, Bulgarian and Polish at university level for both general and specialised purposes. Many of those on the correspondence list answered thanking for the greetings and the information.
Outcomes and Results:
The recipients of the message were informed of the new training package accessible on the project platform and of the fact that they can be used in original or adapted form for the didactic process starting with the new academic year 20222-2023. Feedback is expected from some of the members regarding the efficiency of the contents.