This project (2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Database of Teaching Sources

A database of selected, reviewed, tested, assessed and validated e-learning based language teaching sources addressed to Higher education students for the learning of 18 different European languages.

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Social networks

Date of Publication


Target Group


Domain Area

Business & Communication
Journalism & multimedia

Learning Scenario

Autonomous learning
Classroom Context

Target Language


Language of Instruction

Any language

CEFR level


Type of Material


Linguistic Features





HelloPolish! is a podcast for learning Polish at different levels of study, from A1 to C2. The authors upload new material every two weeks. The podcast uses authentic Polish language, provides information about Polish culture, customs, movies, books, tourist attractions.
The site contains complex resources (audio, texts and activities) and allows students to develop their vocabulary, listening, reading and conversation skills. The audio (MP3) and text (pdf) can be downloaded to any device, so students can also work offline.
Phrases and expressions to be explained at the end of the text are marked (bold).
The vocabulary presented includes both specialist and colloquial terms used in everyday communication by young people.
The list of terms explained also provides collocations.
Each unit also includes a series of exercises (in a downloadable PDF document), together with the exercise key.

Case study

The material for learning Polish by B1 level learners consists of an audio recording and a text in Polish, the text being also provided as a downloadable pdf sheet from the web page. The text on the webpage is accompanied by a vocabulary list, explaining in Polish certain words which in text are written in bold for ease of reference. The text is divided in five paragraphs, each one being read out by native speakers of Polish addressing a particular and current topic.
The text is easily accessible and the audio recording may be either played directly on the webpage, or downloaded for further use.
The downloadable document has four sheets, each one dealing with a specific grammar aspect of the Polish language, thus providing the text of the audio recording, a vocabulary list with certain words which are explained and completed with grammatical notes, an exercise section meant to improve the comprehension of the text and of specific grammar issues, and a sheet with the correct answers for the exercise section.
Besides the audio recording and the matching text, the answer sheet provided affords the students the possibility to verify and correct their answer, thus improving in real time their listening, reading and comprehension abilities, as well as the improvement of the grammar skills.
The selection of the materials is carried out taking into account their adequacy to the level of proficiency, being thus an important and appropriate aid for B1 learners and providing the tools to increase their level of proficiency.
A learner of Polish language, with a B1 proficiency, or aiming to a B1 level of the Polish language, will definitely find such material a great tool since it helps improve such language skills as reading, writing, listening, speaking and comprehension. Apart from being a reliable aid to improve one’s B1 proficiency, it turns out to be a source for a higher level of proficiency, B2, in that, by means of the exercises provided, it helps increase the level of competence and mastery of the Polish language.


The teacher presents the platform, the elements on the portal, explains the structure of the units to the students.
The teacher presents the unit theme, On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
1. Students listen to the audio recording (8 minutes) from the main menu. They can download the MP3 envelope to their computer.
2. Students read the podcast transcript aloud, pronunciation exercises are done. They can download the text in PDF format to work offline.
3. The teacher provides explanations of vocabulary and grammar, suggest recognising grammatical forms in the text.
(sądzić – myśleć zakładać / założyć – tutaj: zacząć coś, zainicjować, rozpocząć działalność
korzystać / skorzystać z + D. – używać
podtrzymywać / podtrzymać kontakt z + N. – nie tracić z kimś kontaktu, być z kimś w kontakcie
być na bieżąco – mieć aktualne informacje
wrzucać / wrzucić – tutaj: publikować coś na stronie internetowej
epatować – pokazywać coś często i w dużej ilości;
ma negatywne znaczenie z umiarem – bez przesady, w granicach rozsądku
stwierdzenie – zdanie, opinia
istnieć – żyć
być współczesny – aktualny;
taki, jaki jest w danym momencie
załatwiać / załatwić – rozwiązać coś,
skończyć jakąś sprawę w realu – potocznie: w rzeczywistym świecie, nie wirtualnie
móc policzyć na palcach jednej ręki – kiedy kogoś lub czegoś jest mało
kręcić / nakręcić – zrobić film
umieszczać / umieścić – tutaj: publikować,
z nosem utkwionym w ekran – całkowicie skoncentrowany na tym, co jest na ekranie
wyobrażać / wyobrazić sobie – zobaczyć coś w swojej fantazji)
4. Students solve the three exercises proposed by the podcast author and check their answers.
5. The teacher challenges students to discuss (guided conversation) social media. Do they have Facebook or Twitter accounts? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?

Other activities
The teacher suggests that students search on Facebook or other social networks for official pages of cultural institutions (theatres, museums, publishing houses, philharmonic) and write down the most important aspects, discuss the importance of being visible on the internet.
Possible follow-up activity :
1. Using the lexical material, students can be asked to discuss some strategies in marketing in social media;
2. Using facebook or other websites, students can choose and discuss advertising in internet, how the algoritms choose target groups etc.;


Comprehensive approach
Capacity to match the needs of lecturers and students


Added value
The provided tangible improvements


Motivation enhancement
The capacity to motivate students to improve their language skills


Effectiveness in introducing innovative, creative and previously unknown approaches to LSP learning


Measurement of the transferable potential and possibility to be a source of further capitalisation/application for other language projects in different countries


Skills assessment and validation
Availability of appropriate tools for lecturers to monitor students’ progress and for students to assess own progress and to reflect on learning


Flexibility of the contents and possibilities for the LSP lecturers to adapt the contents to their and to students’ need


Assess the technical usability from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


Assess the accessibility from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


The units can be accessed very easily from the address given. In the menu, users find the sections and the podcast library, where the units are presented with the level of study specified. For better orientation on the site, section names are translated into English.
In materials and exercises, the authors use only Polish, without translating terms or phrases. If students have difficulties, the teacher recommends that they check terms using the available online dictionaries. The audio recordings are about 5 minutes each and are of fairly good quality. A minus is that there are not several readers of the material (different voices, different tones and vocal timbres).
The resource discusses the impact of the social media in the contemporary society, presents arguments for and against facebook and other portals. The debate can increase student interest and motivation.
Website of the Teaching Source: