This project (2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Database of Teaching Sources

A database of selected, reviewed, tested, assessed and validated e-learning based language teaching sources addressed to Higher education students for the learning of 18 different European languages.

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Research Hypotheses

Date of Publication


Target Group


Domain Area

Teacher Education

Learning Scenario

Classroom Context

Target Language


Language of Instruction


CEFR level


Type of Material


Linguistic Features



Critical Thinking


This power point presentation is attached to the course on Educational Research. It is a classroom material for interpretation of hypotheses in the research planning process. It can be used in the course developing students’ Hungarian understanding of research papers and their skills to create their own hypotheses. While discussing the research problems students have to clarify their understanding of the research and create propositions on the topic. In the meanwhile, the meaning of a great number of useful expressions are also clarified. The presentation is given to students before the lesson, so they can take notes and jot down questions. It is also useful if the teacher can take notes for the students during the lesson either into or on separate slides. Learners can use the presentation during the whole course as a reference material, they can go back to it until they can compose their own hypotheses, which can be then discussed and finalized. The students can take part in the development of the presentation and they can also provide opinion at the end of the course.

Case study

The material can be used on a BA degree course in Teacher Training with 15-20 students. The teacher uploads the power point material on the course’s site before the lesson. Students prepare for the lesson by writing questions and translating the provided material for themselves, then, provide suggestions for hypotheses. They might not be able to make relevant or research-relevant hypotheses, but the aim of the course is not this, the real aim is to discuss and make up some hypotheses. The lesson starts with the teacher’s presentation. This material has been used three times (one of them online teaching because of pandemics) and has proved to be a good teaching material in developing students’ academic vocabulary on educational research. The teaching material can also be used to develop students’ understanding of research reports and articles on educational research.


- possibilities for the learners to see the material before lesson/seminar
- ask learners to create their own hypotheses while they try to understand the meaning and regulations of a good hypothesis.
- although group work is useful in the discussion, frontal feedback is absolutely necessary so that every can reach a common understanding before they create their own hypotheses.


Comprehensive approach
Capacity to match the needs of lecturers and students


Added value
The provided tangible improvements


Motivation enhancement
The capacity to motivate students to improve their language skills


Effectiveness in introducing innovative, creative and previously unknown approaches to LSP learning


Measurement of the transferable potential and possibility to be a source of further capitalisation/application for other language projects in different countries


Skills assessment and validation
Availability of appropriate tools for lecturers to monitor students’ progress and for students to assess own progress and to reflect on learning


Flexibility of the contents and possibilities for the LSP lecturers to adapt the contents to their and to students’ need


Assess the technical usability from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


Assess the accessibility from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


On its own this teaching material is not a new tool. However, it is useful in two ways. Firstly, it is a discussion possibility for the whole group. Secondly, it is a good base of group work. Finally, it is an important part of students’ professional development. It covers a lot of useful concepts and vocabulary units and clarifies their meaning. Academic vocabulary and its relevant use is very important in higher education research studies. It is also important that an existing power point material can always be enriched (even during the lesson) and, thus, it can be a useful tool in LSP in Hungarian. I also think that it is easy to convert this material into other language classes as well.
Website of the Teaching Source: