This project (2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Work in progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned. Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:

Università di Bologna

Project's period (from/to):

01 March 2021 - 13 February 2023

Activity concerned:

PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:

- create the UNIBO team group and coordinate the activities within it
- create a shared folder available to the UNIBO group through Microsoft Teams
- organise online internal meetings to share guidelines, research material, minutes and other documents within the UNIBO research team
- disseminate the project by translating the brochure into Italian and uploading it on the UNIBO website
- keep in contact with the administration to ensure project sustainability
- contact the administration and teachers of universities and collegues with a view to inform and engage in the project
- contact associate partners and support them in filling in the forms
- to collect OERs for DE, IT and FI
- to finish collecting and to translate into the relative languages the OERs for DE, IT and FI
- to contact potential users of the project website (lecturers for e-learning package testing)
- to set up collaboration with University of Vilnius on IO2
- to draft Module 2 of IO2 (in cooperation with the Lithuanian team of researchers)
- to complete work on Module 2 and accompanying operative tools
- to attend the transnational meeting hosted by Vilnius University, Lithuania on the 7th-8th July, 2022.
- to participate as trainers and attendees in the training event organised and hosted by IPB in Braganza on the 18th-22nd July, 2022.
- to organize a Language Teacher Training Day - QuILL Project planned for Oct. 21, 2022
- to write a chapter for the IO3 (publication).
- to organise a multiplier event and dissemination workshop (January 20th 2023).
- to attend the last transnational meeting hosted by Pixel in Florence (16th and 17th February 2023)

About the administrative management:
- to contact the National Agency and attend scheduled meetings
- to fill in and update the mobility tool

Description of activities carried out:

Description of activities
Participation in the kick-off meeting
Regular meetings of the UNIBO team to discuss the key activities and project progress
Letters of invitation were sent to relevant universities in Austria, Germany, Japan, Canada, Finland, France, Italy, Romania, Spain, Switzerland (10 countries), to inform about the project and to engage in the project activities.
Translation of the brochure into Italian
The project was presented through numerous e-mails to potential partners and participants
The project information appeared in social media (Department FB and UNIBO main online magazine)
The team collected the OERs for Italian, Finnish and German
Selecting the available OERs and uploading them on the project website
Translation of the uploaded OER into EN
Italian UNIBO team meeting on project progress monthly
Coordinating team working and individual assignments monthly
Reviewing resources on the website
The team analyzed the draft of IO2 (see the project meeting in Cordoba) and put forward suggestions regarding Module 2 content and emphasis
The communication platform & collaborative tools were agreed on with the Vilnius research team
UNIBO and vilnius teams held on-line sessions ( MS Teams) to agree on a common approach to work on IO2
Several on-line meetings and exchanges with the partners from Vilnius university re the content of module 2
UNIBO team closely cooperated with Vilnius university team on IO2 regarding the operative tools and interactive test questions, carrying out peer revision.
Drafting presentation for the training event in Braganca
Preparation for presenting at the meeting in Vilnius
- Attendance to the transnational meeting hosted by Vilnius University, Lithuania on the 7th-8th July, 2022.
Attendance and participation as trainers and attendees in the training event organized and hosted by IPB in Braganza on the 18th-22nd July, 2022.
- Language Teacher Training Day - QuILL Project held on Oct. 21, 2022 at the University of Bologna's University Language Center
- Co-authoring of a chapter (no. 6) for the IO3 (publication).
- Preparation of the ME: engaging policy makers and target audiences from various sections of education community
- Organization and teaching of a multiplier event and dissemination workshop (January 20th 2023).
- Attendance and active participation in the last transnational meeting hosted by Pixel in Florence (16th and 17th February 2023).

Results Achieved:

UNIBO project team was created;
- Participating in the kick-off meeting and in the support 23-24 March
- Participating in the support meeting 20 May to clarify aspects related to the final format of the resource file
- Delivery of the Italian version of the brochure text
- putting in a place a system of communication with the project members, organizing Zoom meetings and conducting correspondence relating to the identification of resources and potential partners, the creation of the resource files
- participating in 3 academic events where the project (name, objectives, site, logo) have been presented, the photos have been uploaded on the site
- presentation of the project to members of the DIT Department academic staff
- the project was presented through e-mails to potential partners and participants teaching all three of the languages involved and contacts and positive responses have been received; a list of potential partners have been identified and their response is awaiting depending on the conditions offered by the project
- we have identified and completed documentation for n. 1 Finnish lecturer, n.3 German lecturers and 1 Italian lecturer
- the process of identification of partner institutions is ongoing, we have contacted and completed documentation for one associated partner
- by the end of august 2021 20 OERs for Finnish were uploaded on the platform
- by the end of august 2021 Finnish OERs were also translated, expect for case studies
- by the end of august 2021 20 OERs for Italian were uploaded on the platform
- case studies for Italian are still ongoing
- In September 2021 case studies have been conducted for Finnish
- The project was presented at 2 international events (conferences) and disseminated on the UNIBO webiste
- Collaboration with Vilnius on Module 2 of IO2 started in November 2021
- The UNIBO internal team clarified the aims and content of IO2
- UNIBO team has completed work on Section 1 and Section 3 of Module2 of IO2. The submitted text included all the components, namely, the text, resources, operative tools and case studies and questions for the interactive test
- On-line meetings were held in Teams monthly (discussion, draft, peer revision)
- The draft of IO2 Module2 was finalized and submitted to the project coordinator by March 2022
- The work on Module 2 of IO2 fully completed, the Module was submitted to the coordinators by the deadline of May 2022.
- Arranging travel and planning contents for Vilnius meeting and training event in Braganca (including ppt presentations)
- The project has been successfully disseminated amongst relevant stakeholders, University of Córdoba website, conversations with colleagues, mailing, newspaper releases and brochure distribution.
- The team took part in all transnational meetings and in the training activities of QuILL
- Two project participants of the UniBo team took part in the Braganca training
- The Multiplier Event engaged more then 100 registered on-line participants; they represented all the sectors of the national education
- The publication (IO3) has been successfully evaluated by more then 50 lectureres
- The content of the event is presented in detail in the ME reporting documents