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Databáza vybraných, preskúmaných, testovaných, hodnotených a overených zdrojov výučby jazykov na báze e-learningu určených študentom vysokých škôl na štúdium 18 rôznych európskych jazykov.

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Intercultural medical communication in Еurope

Dátum vydania

8 May 2013

Cieľová skupina



Medicína & ošetrovateľstvo

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prostredie triedy

Cieľový jazyk


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Odporúčaná úroveň CEFR pre učiacehosa


Typ učebnej látky

Referenčné zdroje (online slovníky/gramatické príručky/slovníky)

Znaky jazyka

slovná zásoba


porozumenie reči


Source to be found on IMED-KOMM-EU. Medical University, Varna
Very complex resource, represents the output of an international project. Has no English page.
Create and systematically organize, modernize, test, correct, value and distribute modern innovative materials for language teaching, testing (ECL) professional language teaching of medical students, foreign doctors and specialized mediacal staff. It consists of five units of a blended-learning course, is free and easily accessible, hybrid and consists of modules, activity-oriented and cooperative, an instance of task based learning.
Are designed to be used both for individual and class learning.
Has six interconnected web-pages for the use of teachers of Bulgarian, Lithuanian, German, Hungarian, Slovenian and Czech.
Pages focus on practically-relevant modules with complex online and offline exercises in the field of medical communication.
Includes valuable theoretical material on vocabulary, grammar and discourse (ppt presentations) and two multilingual dictionaries.
May 2022: No longer available in Bulgarian.

Prípadová štúdia

Supposedly validated under the project
Unfortunately, the Bulgarian section has been re/moved to online access under a course; it seems to be no longer freely available. The multi-lingual dictionary is no longer available either.
The German, Chech and Slovakian sections are functional, with some materiale left for the last 2 and a fully-developed German section.
Source does not seem to be usable any longer for Bulgarian and Hungarian.


Each of the 5 sections can be used according to the various needs learners ьшпреhave, as follows or in other sequences.
Topic 1. Communication Between Doctor And Patient. Anamnesis: plan, stages, question
Teacher gives handout (vocabulary – terminology, matching definitions, dialogue with gaps, short article) to students, introduces topic and discusses terminology.
Teacher plays video twice. Students watch and check words on their handout.
Teacher invites students to discuss dialogue.
Video is played for the second time and students are invited to role play.
Students are asked to detect new vocabulary in text abd article.
Vocabulary and script: multiple-choice excercise sample:
План за снемане на анамнезата / Plan for anamnesis
Етапи нa анамнеза / Stages of anamnesis
Въпроси за снемане на анамнезата / Questions
Разпитът на болния следва определена процедура (procedure), а данните се групират в следните групи: 1. Паспортни данни. Регистрират се име, възраст (age), дата на раждане, пол, местожителство (residence, address), националност, възраст, положение, професия на болния. При пациенти за клинично лечение се отбелязват имена, адреси, телефони близките (next of kin). 2. Сегашни заболявания (Anamnesis morbi). Разпитът започва с наглавните оплаквите (complains), за които болният е дошъл на преглед. Може да e един или много симптоми. Всеки симптом се установява. Главните оплаквания не включват термините (terms), кoито са наименования на заболявания или синдроми. Анамнезата няма за цел да регистрира поднесената от болния диагноза, а да уточни неговите подробности (details) оплаквания. Следващият етап при снемането на анамнезата е подробна (detaield) характеристиката на главните симптоми.


Prístup sporozumením: miera, do akej sú prispôsobené potreby študentov a učiteľov


Pridaná hodnota: učebné osnovy ponúkajúce skutočný rozvoj


Zlepšenie motivácie k učeniu: do akej miery učivo zvyšuje motiváciu študentov zlepšovať svoje jazykové znalosti


Inovácia: nakoľko je inovatívny, kreatívny doposiaľ neznámy spôsob vyučovania prezentovaného jazyka


Prenosnosť: nakoľko je prenosná alebo môže slúžiť ako zdroj pre ďalšie jazykové projekty v iných krajinách


Testovanie a validácia schopností: dostupnosť nástrojov pre učiteľov na monitorovanie pokroku študentov a na sebahodnotenie a reflexiu študentov


Použiteľnosť: flexibilita obsahu, možnosti prispôsobiť obsah potrebám študentov a učiteľov daného jazyka


Použiteľnosť: posúdenie technickej použiteľnosti z hľadiska učiteľa a študentov


Dostupnosť: hodnotenie dostupnosti z hľadiska učiteľa a študentov


This complex resource (which might be updated with more recent videos) stands as a model of blended learning facility and can be integrated in groups of motivated learners.
Resourse includes five interconnected web-pages blended-learning tutorials with questions, traditional and programme exercises, video and audio materials, instructions, ECL tests, podcasts and videocasts, links, photo gallery on medical communication. Resource includes 2 Bulgarian, Lithuanian, German, Czech, Russian, Turkish glossaries of medical terme and key phrases in medical communication.
Programmes, pilot tests, standard tests
Can be used in everyday work, teaching, conferences
Contents: 1. Communication Between Doctor And Patient. Anamnesis: plan, stages, question. 2. Cardiology, Pulmology, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Gynecology. 3. Clinical investigation – clinical tests, diagnosis. 4. Communication during operation – anaesthesia. 5. Medication
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