Partners' Institution:
Name of the person involved in the event:
Elisabete Mendes Silva
Date of the event:
25 November 2022 - 25 November 2022
Type of Dissemination event:
National Meeting
Target group:
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Bragança (Portugal)
Description of Dissemination Event:
This meeting was organised by CIEB (Centro de investigação em Educação Básica) where an advisory committee visited the Centre and had a meeting in order to get to know the Centre's aim and scope of research, coming up with suggestions for improving some shortcomings the Centre is dealing with at the moment.
Outcomes and Results:
The QuILL project was also presented to the Centre's researchers and to the advisory committee members, coming from Spain, Germany, and Finland. That way they were also given flyers to take to their universities and consequently to disseminate the project to their colleagues.
Supporting Documents:
1. IMG_4032.JPG