This project (2020-1-PT01-KA226-HE-094809) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Database of Teaching Sources

A database of selected, reviewed, tested, assessed and validated e-learning based language teaching sources addressed to Higher education students for the learning of 18 different European languages.

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Date of Publication

Ramonienė M., Press I. Colloquial Lithuanian. The Complete Course for Beginners. London, New York: Routledge, 2011.

Target Group


Domain Area

Arts & Music
Business & Communication
International Relations
Journalism & multimedia
Teacher Education

Learning Scenario

Autonomous learning
Classroom Context

Target Language


Language of Instruction

Any language

CEFR level


Type of Material

Guiding resources (online course/book)

Linguistic Features





The resource contains 87 entries (on various topics with explanations, starting from the basic alphabet through to a text about basketball in Lithuania). The recordings can be used to teach a variety of subjects (grammar, vocabulary, etc.) and develop all four skills (listening, speaking, writing, and reading). Students can use the material for self-study; it is very useful to be able to pause or replay recordings, etc. Alternatively, the topic can be selected or highlighted by the teacher (e.g. what the most challenging parts were or potential problem areas for students). Students can use a paper book or a free book transferred to a virtual space.

Case study

I use the material provided on the COLLOQUIAL LITHUANIAN page to teach Erasmus exchange students Lithuanian language (I teach them the subject 'Lithuanian Language and Culture'). I use the source in seminars, for example, we listen to a text about Lithuania (46 entries) so the students learn about the language and culture. I explain if students do not understand something (I have prepared glossaries for the texts). We talk about Lithuanian rivers, lakes, cities, neighbouring countries, residents, etc.. Since the recording can be stopped anywhere, we repeat until the students pronounce more or less correctly. In self-study, students can listen to the recording as many times as they want, so during the next session I understand whether the students have gone away and worked on listening and pronunciation in their own time (for homework); if they have, the sentences and their fragments are usually repeated smoothly and clearly. By asking questions about the content of the text, I understand whether the students have grasped the meaning and whether the text has been fully understood. (I assign analogous tasks from different topics and develop different skills.) The source is also useful as a tool for reinforcement or repetition, as well as for revision before exams or in preparation for a test.


The material of the freely available source can be used for teaching the Lithuanian language or for learning it independently. Teachers can use the resource in many ways to cover various aspects of language.


Comprehensive approach
Capacity to match the needs of lecturers and students


Added value
The provided tangible improvements


Motivation enhancement
The capacity to motivate students to improve their language skills


Effectiveness in introducing innovative, creative and previously unknown approaches to LSP learning


Measurement of the transferable potential and possibility to be a source of further capitalisation/application for other language projects in different countries


Skills assessment and validation
Availability of appropriate tools for lecturers to monitor students’ progress and for students to assess own progress and to reflect on learning


Flexibility of the contents and possibilities for the LSP lecturers to adapt the contents to their and to students’ need


Assess the technical usability from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


Assess the accessibility from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


The 87 freely available entries on this page can be used without restriction by Lithuanian language learners or Lithuanian language teachers. It is very helpful that students can repeat the more difficult tasks for them as many times as they want. During a certain lesson, the teacher can instruct students to listen to certain recordings, perform particular tasks (for example, listen to a text about Lithuania (46 recordings), but students can also choose the topics that are most useful or interesting for them, and at the same time, develop their skills or improve particular features of their personal language development.
Website of the Teaching Source: