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Database of Teaching Sources

A database of selected, reviewed, tested, assessed and validated e-learning based language teaching sources addressed to Higher education students for the learning of 18 different European languages.

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Chess Pedagogy – Chess and Motivation

Date of Publication

26 November 2020

Target Group


Domain Area

Teacher Education

Learning Scenario

Autonomous learning
Classroom Context

Target Language


Language of Instruction


CEFR level


Type of Material


Linguistic Features



Critical Thinking


This teaching resource available on a reliable and renowned organisation’s website (Sakkmatyi) suits the needs of upper-intermediate university students who study in Teacher Education, Pedagogy, or Chess Coaching, and aspire to acquire Hungarian as a foreign language with special attention to the specific terms frequently used as part of the vocabulary of the chess sport. They need to develop their listening skills and at the same time they need to expand technical related vocabulary. This resource assists both the lecturer, who can use this video with students in the classroom, and students who, rather autonomously, can explore it as well.

Case study

The target students are primarily the ones attending teacher training, pedagogy, or chess trainer and coach programmes of any level (Bachelor, Master, PhD, or even Post-Graduate). The teaching resource is ideal to be used in small seminar groups (up to 15 students). The employed method should incorporate clear instructions from the teacher who is to guide the activities in which gradually takes on a facilitator role from the initial one of an instructor. Cooperative project work is also essential for effective discussion of the topic. As a result, students will practice the Hungarian language by developing their listening and speaking skills while obtaining some of the vocabulary items of chess in Hungarian. To avoid any risks, students are to be in a safe distance to see and hear the video well. The resource can be used in subject-specific intracurricular or extracurricular university seminars.


Warm-up activity: Discuss the general importance of motivation with the students in different areas like life, studies, work, etc. Enquire about what they do in general to keep themselves motivated and what can result in lack of motivation for them. Ask questions like “In what areas does motivation play a key role in our lives?”, “How is it possible to create and maintain motivation?”, or “How can we deal with lack of motivation?”.
Step 1: Pre-watching activity. Tell the students they are going to watch a video on the topic they have just discussed. Ask the students to answer the following questions based on the video in writing: “What motivation techniques are mentioned?”, “How can chess motivate?”, “How can we motivate children for playing chess?”, “How to attract children’s curiosity?”, “Why is it important to set objectives?”, “How to prevent and handle lack of motivation?”. The video will allow students to recognise and practise vocabulary, in addition to practising their listening skills. Students do the preparation task first.
Step 2: Watching the video. Students watch the video once or twice and answer the questions. Make sure the quality of it is acceptable and that students can hear the video with no interference, and also that they can see it well.
Step 3: Students give feedback on their answers. Afterwards, in accordance with what they heard, students answer the questions again presented at the beginning of the class.
Follow-up activity: Make pairs of students and give the pairs a set amount of time to collect, discuss and work out more motivation techniques related to chess, and what other things can chess facilitate in life. Finally, the pairs present their ideas. During the presentations, students also have to use vocabulary introduced and practiced during the class (e.g. pre-watching and watching activities).


Comprehensive approach
Capacity to match the needs of lecturers and students


Added value
The provided tangible improvements


Motivation enhancement
The capacity to motivate students to improve their language skills


Effectiveness in introducing innovative, creative and previously unknown approaches to LSP learning


Measurement of the transferable potential and possibility to be a source of further capitalisation/application for other language projects in different countries


Skills assessment and validation
Availability of appropriate tools for lecturers to monitor students’ progress and for students to assess own progress and to reflect on learning


Flexibility of the contents and possibilities for the LSP lecturers to adapt the contents to their and to students’ need


Assess the technical usability from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


Assess the accessibility from the point of view of the lecturer and the student


Comprehensive approach: This video is useful for students who can learn about the intense interrelatedness of chess and motivation while learning some relevant vocabulary in chess in Hungarian, the context of which gives them an opportunity to practice the language. Lecturers can incorporate the video in their lessons to cover subject-related activities with its help.

Added value: With the accompanying activities, students learn vocabulary and build their Hungarian skills by listening, writing, and speaking.
Different activities and types of student work makes this relatively new and exciting educational field even more dynamic and interesting. The blending of the areas of chess and education is a new way of making students discover the importance of autonomous, indirect, passive, and subliminal learning and skill development what they can extrapolate to other fields of studies, making the whole learning process closer, more natural, and enjoyable to them and their future students or trainees. The language of the resource is Hungarian, therefore it cannot be used in classes of teaching other languages. The students understanding, and acquisition of the vocabulary of the video can easily be monitored before, during and after watching it. However, as the language level of the resource is for upper-intermediate students studying Hungarian, it is recommended to measure their language proficiency before using it. Although the video represents a fixed content, it can be played once or twice, altogether or interrupted while the accompanying activities are variable. The essential educational topic of motivation depicted in the video, its length, accompanying activities, and little technical requirements makes this resource easily usable. The video is usable in classrooms with computers with internet, speakers, and projectors. Students can also watch it at home.
Website of the Teaching Source: